35 a simple free icon
Icons play a significant role in creating high quality website or web application designs. Icon is the element that helps to harmonize the different elements in a design and carry the designing work forward. Icons are used to create links to different internal and external pages and they need to be very clearly visible. A clean icon design is a must when you are working out a design for web application or commercial. You can take inspiration from our 35 simple free icons to create attractive designs.
Available in both the PNG and PSD format, the 35 simple free icons can be downloaded and used in their original forms. You can even make changes according to your designing needs as the icons are all layered. Tweak these icons and use them to create some great designs for your customers. The 35 simple free icons contain most of the frequently used icons and you need not have to search for any while designing a website.
We have tried to present a series of icon designs to create icon sets that would help designers find and use any type of icons for their website designs. Our icon sets will be acting as a guiding tool and repository for anyone who wants to enhance their designing skills. Download the 35 simple free icons and enjoy!
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