User Login

12/09/2012 Posted in Forms

User Login

Logging into websites is one of the most important parts of our routine work for most of us and one of the critical components of a web design is the User Login Page that should be quite interactive for the users to login without any frustration. This element should be quite simple and effective as well as physically attractive for the users to login easily. While designing a website, one should keep in mind that it should be user-friendly because in today’s busy world, no one has time to hang on a site for a long time. Therefore, it is important to design the login page without any complexity and should be as effective as possible.

This could definitely frustrate the users and they may not return to your site again. Make sure to implement some innovative login designs in your website to make it unique from other sites.

How to make a website successful with the User Login Page

  • Make you login page simple and interesting to attract the users and encourage them to continue the account with your website.
  • Give an assurance to the user by securing their details and information when they log into your site.
  • Design a separate login form if the user types an incorrect username and password which can save a lot of time for the users.

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