24 Free Clothes Icons
It is really great to present to you the set of 24 free cloth icons that have been specially designed for designers who are working on e-commerce websites, printing houses and infographics. You all would be amazed to learn that this set of cloth icons is absolutely free and they can be used for any type of website or mobile application designing project.
Nowadays the e-commerce store owners are trying out a variety of designing methods to get the perfect website they want. It is all about attracting the visitors and the time for the same is a fraction of a second. So if you are designing an apparel store website then the set of 24 free cloth icons will come in really handy. All you would have to do is download the icons and use them on your website.
All the icons are available in the Adobe Illustrator or (*.ai) format that can be easily imported to photoshop. You can tweak them according to your designing requirements. All this can be accomplished without hampering the image quality.
The best thing about this icon set is that you have a complete set of icons that you might require and you would not require anything outside this icon set to get your website up and running. The cool designs are available to anyone who wants to create an amazing website or mobile application.
So what are you waiting for? Download and enjoy it today!
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