Dark Search Box & Drop Down
12/09/2012 Posted in
Search Box
Dark search box & drop down .psd file is wonderful contribution where the web designers have combined the search boxed and the dropdown menus for easy navigation of web pages. These graphics can are overwhelmingly used in dark colored web templates to provide a stylish touch to the pages.
Features of Dark Search Box
- These Dark search box & drop down files, which are available on Premium Pixels, come up with icons, images, brushes, shapes, layer styles, layered PSD’s, patterns, textures, web elements and themes are free for use in both personal and commercial projects.
- These files are available with various icons that are designed for each Google service with horizontal links running across the top edge of the pages like Calendar, +You, YouTube, Images, Maps, Mail, News, Search, Documents, and many more. This offers the users a wide range of drop-down list that involves a number of links to Translate
- There are certain sets which are available with some very simple and basic UI elements and are hugely popular owing to their simplicity.
These files come with easy to handle features having all the menu as well as the elements clearly explained against dark background in contrasting color in such a way that they enhance the look of the page, besides making it extremely easy for users to navigate through.
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